Disagree Without Disrespect (with Philip Blackett)

Disagree Without Disrespect (with Philip Blackett)

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The world has become too black and white. The mentality should not be, either you’re with me or against me. The world is nuanced and many topics and issues are filled with shades of grey. That is why it is unfortunate that discourse in this country has become so childish to the point where if someone disagrees with you then you take it as a personal slight. This is not the case. People can and will disagree with you in life and you just have to talk with them with an open mind while also standing firm in your beliefs. Then when the dust has settled, shake hands and go about your day like an adult.

____________________________________________ How to find Philip Blackett: https://www.instagram.com/philipblackett/ https://www.amazon.com/stores/Philip-Blackett/author/B0CWL2ZDNC?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true ____________________________________________ Music from #InAudio: https://inaudio.org/ Infraction – Training Day If you are tired of feeling lost, alone, isolated, and aimless then check out our coaching program specifically designed to help men become the hero in their story. We forge men into leaders. We turn cowards into Kings. We turn weaklings into Warriors. Join us in The Elite Sentinel Forge to start your transformation: https://www.theelitesentinel.com/ OUR MERCH STORE IS LIVE! Check out this amazing dad gear: https://thepresentfathers.shop/ We use Riverside to record. Try it for yourself! https://www.riverside.fm/?via=presentfathers Get discovered! Use PodMatch to get on your next podcast or find your next guest! https://www.joinpodmatch.com/presentfathers We are “The Present Father’s Podcast”, the podcast that focuses on climbing the mountain of fatherhood together. Subscribe to the Channel and Share our podcast with men you believe would benefit from it. It is our goal to provide a positive outlet for Dads to grow and foster a strong legacy of fatherhood that is present and involved with their children. Visit https://presentfathers.com/ to learn more about us and catch all of our old episodes!

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